Thesaurus memoriae / Fontes

14 Titles

Zgodovinski inštitut Milka Kosa / Milko Kos Historical Institute

The book collection Thesaurus memoriae, issued by the Milko Kos Historical Institute, is arranged in three series: Dissertationes, Fontes and Opuscula. The series Dissertationes comprises original scientific monographs on cultural, economic, political and social history, with an emphasis on the Slovenian provinces and their multi-layered historical embeddedness in the European area. The series Fontes is intended for scientific editions of written historical sources from the late Antiquity to 1918 or the end of the First World War. These include historiographical sources from the Middle Ages and the Modern Period, such as charters, urbaria and notary books, as well as materials from the 19th and 20th centuries that shed important light on crucial political and economic processes. The series Opuscula comprises scientific monographs that discuss the problems of historiography in a somewhat narrower chronological and spatial context.

Online ISSN 2712-3278
Print ISSN 2232-3422

All Books

Pisma Franca Franza baronu Erbergu (1832–1840)

Thesaurus memoriae / Fontes 18
Miha Preinfalk (ed.)
15. November 2024

Franc Henrik Raigersfeld. Dnevniki 1697–1759

Thesaurus memoriae / Fontes 17
Dušan Kos
12. March 2024

Turjaška knjiga listin 2. Dokumenti 15. stoletja

Thesaurus memoriae / Fontes 8
Matjaž Bizjak, Miha Preinfalk
26. January 2010

Gradivo za slovensko zgodovino v srednjem veku 6/2. Imensko kazalo

Thesaurus memoriae / Fontes 5
Miha Preinfalk
6. November 2007